
Your support is changing the world.

One-Time Donation

  • As a One-Time contributor, we thank you for your donation. No matter how large or small, we know that your support will allow us to make a great impact on our soldiers and their families.

Monthly Donation

  • As a monthly sponsor, your gift will have a continuous impact in helping to relieve suffering and spread God’s blessings to those who need them most.

Corporate or Church Donation

  • LOVE HOPE RANCH connects with churches as they seek to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. We want churches to know how God is working within our organization and then present them with opportunities to get involved. We invite your church to prayerfully consider supporting us as we help a hurting world in Jesus’ Name.

    Businesses and corporations make it possible for LOVE HOPE RANCH to provide healing and restoration.  Consider a marketing campaign or a donation of goods or services.  With our transparency and efficiency, you can trust that your contribution will make a significant impact. Our team is ready to work with you to discover where you fit in the story of Hope.

“Love is a Battle Worth Waging”

Your generous gift empowers our organization to wage a battle for every life touched by the profound pain of Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD). It enables us to extend our reach, touching as many hearts as possible through our life-changing programs. Every dollar you contribute serves as a pillar of support for our foundation, ensuring that we can provide the critical care and assistance that our heroes—our beloved Veterans, First Responders, and their immediate family members—so desperately need.

Your contribution directly aids in the ongoing well-being of our dedicated counselors, who are akin to our steadfast companions in this journey. These skilled professionals, affectionately known as "our LHR HORSES," stand as beacons of hope, guiding those in need through the darkest of times. Your kindness fuels one-on-one and group sessions that offer solace, healing, and renewed hope to those who have given so much.

With your support, we can continue to provide the lifeline they deserve. Each dollar is a promise to help mend the hearts and spirits of those who have sacrificed for our well-being. Your love and support make this battle one worth fighting, and we are eternally grateful for your compassionate commitment.